Wilson with Shadow Courtier can see Ink Blights names.Due to the short "Inevitable," Wilson is one of the few characters to have received actual voice acting, along with Maxwell, Charlie, and Willow.When struck by Lightning in DLCs, Wilson, like most other characters, is shown to have bones in his hair.Team Fortress 2 promoted Don't Starve with a hat modeled after Wilson's hair, as well as a weapon based on the Ham Bat.Wilson can be used as a Steam chat emoticon.His quotes are also used as the default for every other playable character when new objects are implemented in a beta stage.Before the Novempatch, Wilson used to share a lot of examination quotes with the other characters.Even in RoG, his Beard needs to be grown to accelerate overheating in Summer, which is not required of Wilson during that season.Wilson is the only character with no drawbacks.Wilson is the only character unaffected by the Strange New Powers update, aside from Maxwell, who was not finished in time and got his new powers later on in the All's Well That Maxwell update.His Beard is also the only one to allegedly be made of human hair. Wilson is the only character capable of producing Beard Hair from shaving.The other two are Webber from RoG, and Woodie when played in DST. Wilson is one of the only three characters that get an insulation bonus from their Beard.
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With a Puffy Vest, a Beefalo Hat and the Beard at full length, Wilson can have the highest insulation factor in the game at 615.Wilson's voice is played by a "Harmon muted trumpet (mixed with some cup muted trumpet as well)".But at the voice's insistence, Wilson flipped the switch and activated his creation. a moment that might have saved him from his impending fate, had he been just a bit stronger of will. When at long last it was finally completed, the gentleman scientist had a moment of hesitation. Casting aside his better judgement (after all, what harm could come from making a vague bargain with a mysterious disembodied voice?) Wilson threw himself into constructing the machine. In fact, the voice had a proposition for him: if Wilson would build a machine according to their specifications, then he would be rewarded with secret knowledge, the likes of which no one had ever seen. At first he feared he'd gone mad from too many late nights of experiments and accidentally-inhaled chemical fumes, but the voice assured him that it was no mere figment of the imagination. While toiling away in his home laboratory late one night, Wilson was startled to hear a voice on the radio speaking directly to him. The events of this short were later officially summarized in DST's Compendium: Wilson was the first of the playable characters to receive a backstory through an animated short, called Forbidden Knowledge. –The radio's offer to Wilson in Forbidden Knowledge “ Say pal, looks like you're having some trouble! I have secret knowledge I can share with you, if you think you are ready for it.